November Seed

Two field biologists from N.J. Fish & Wildlife discover a pair of waterfowl clinging to a metal cleat with twig-like growths protruding from their skulls and have traced the contagion to a common marsh grass called Phragmites. Shortly after their reporting to the CDC, the contagion has found a human host, then another November_Seedand another. In less than 24 hours, Phragmites will release their seed to the world, carrying the contagion with it. The event happens quickly and is known among those who study this grass as, November Seed.

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This novella began as a warm up exercise for my upcoming Sci-Fi novel, Silversides.  Word by word, this idea began to grow with encouragement from family and friends who persuaded me to publish it and I’m glad they did.

Every November, in the northeast, when the air is crisp and strong gusts sweep against a quilted sky,  Phragmites will jettison their seed in one spectacular and wondrous event that can easily be mistaken for the first flurries of the season.  But their legions are once again on the move, quietly increasing their ranks.


November Seed


The Resurrected Man

  • Author              : Sean williams
  • Year                  : 1998/2005
  • Amazon            : click here

My Review            :

I can’t help but think, ‘this is an important piece of work.’  We have all read about teleportation  and have seen plenty of Star-Trek episodes of teleportation in action, but not once were we ever exposed to how that actually might come into being and what telephony would be involved.  I completely overlooked this and took it for granted–being a Network Engineer, it was like one of those V8 commercials where I open-palm smacked myself on the forehead.

I loved this book.  I thought it was brilliant in plot, characters, tech, and suspense.  It gets a little Agatha Christie toward the end, but heck–that’s why it’s called fiction.  Still, I think this is an important read for any technologist and I rate this up there with Snow Crash, and Starfish.


  • Author              : Robert J. Sawyer
  • Year                  : 2009
  • Amazon            : click here

My Review           :

First, Sawyer can write like no other and brings to life the images and textures of his stories.  This is the first book of a trilogy about a brilliant witty young girl, blind from birth who regains her sight through technology, but the sight she first gains is the raw balls and string topology of the internet and then soon thereafter the ‘Other’ discovers her…. read on and you will not stop.  All Three books are terrific and I can’t wait to see how WWW:WONDER ends (reading it now)  Book two is WWW:WATCH and finally WWW:WONDER