Universe’s Incredible Big Bang Expansion Found!

inflationI was reading the announcement today (3/17/2014) posted on space.com by Mike Wall that the team from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, led by John Kovac,  might have found the smoking gun for the expansion of the universe.  If the data holds up, confirming the existence of gravitational waves, then this discovery is, well, as big as the discovery of the expanding universe itself!

Quite exciting for both real-world astrophysicists and us Sci-Fi writers.  What these waves point to is the stuff dubbed – Inflation.

Disclaimer:  I do not pretend to understand the mathematics behind this.  But, as a student of the sciences having had a professional career in the LifeSciences of Ecology, I can postulate a scenario that might describe it.

As a former Marine Biologist, now writing SciFi, I have an observation that might provide the visual for chasing down the mathematics of the elusive substance  dubbed  Inflation.  And in the process, ink toward the possibility of multiple universes.
In my diving experience, I have come across fish where they can invert their stomachs at will and very quickly.  So let’s assume that the cosmos (ocean) is made up of these multiple universes ( invisible fish).  A fish comes along and inverts its stomach.  Now, the process of inverting the stomach is like the expansion and does not follow the laws of general relativity, where objects within the universe (contents of stomach)  cannot travel faster than light.  The process of inversion can happen very quickly.  The contents, once inside, are now outside and something else has replaced the inside in one Big Bang!.   Within the stomach objects are bound by the laws of physics.  This process is tumultuous, and can form eddies (nebula) and vortexing (black holes) and is filled with debris (stars, planets, etc.).  Objects we see all around us in the universe.
Then that fish simple sucks its stomach back into place (the universe it was) dubbed the Big Crunch.
What I am getting at is, was the singularity (Big Bang) an inversion?

So now we need to look at what forces in the cosmos can cause inversion. Do all universe’s have stomachs they can invert?  Is one’s Big Bang some one else’s Big Crunch?

If nothing else, it can serve as a plot basis for those brave enough to scribe about multiple universes. 😉